Joy Journal

I was blessed with a gift of money just when I needed it the most. I was having a hard time after a breakup keeping up with bills and this beautiful couple came up to me and explained that they were blessing people before the holiday's. I was able to use the money to stay afloat. It was such a relief at the time. 

- Tired and Overwhelmed

I was at the grocery store with my 3 kids getting supplies for the upcoming holiday.

 Throughout the store I had seen a lady talking to some staff and other customers. By the time I checked out I had crisscrossed the store a few time running back to the bathroom and isles that I forgot things in and was EXHAUSTED.

She smiled when she saw me and came up to me. I thought she was very friendly.
 I was getting in line and she said she had seen me in the store with my kids and felt called to help pay for my groceries.  

As a mom of 3, It is a true blessing for a beautiful human paying for my even a small part of my overflowing cart.

I cried in public. A true overwhelming experience. 

- Blessed and Grateful Momma

We Love helping others by doing small things. It is as simple  as a cup of coffee for someone. Love seeing pure joy on Peoples faces. 


A true Blessing when my family was hurting.

My granddaughter was sick and we were spending a lot of time at the doctors. My husband was sick and I was the only one bringing money in my home.

My coworker told me that this couple she knows was looking for people that could use a blessing. She shared a little of my situation and they wanted her to help them.

She brought me the money they gave her. I have never met them, they don't know me but they gave me money and at the time it was something I really needed. 

- Anonymous HyVee Staff

“We were at Casey's gas station and I was prepared to get the last $20 to my name in gas. My son had to use the bathroom and on our way out was begging me for a candy bar. I knew that I couldn’t because I had just enough for gas to make it to work until payday. My son didn’t understand why he couldn’t have anything and was really creating a scene. It was upsetting us both.

Just as I was about to cry in frustration a woman approached me with her son. She doesn't know it but she stepped into my life at the darkest time. She didn't know that I was struggling or that I had very little left but she stepped in when I needed help that I had prayed for. She helped calm my son and then ask me what the problem was. She could see it in my face that I was struggling not beinging able to give my child what he wanted. She said,” I have been where you are.” she handed me a card in a purple sleeve. There was Casey's gift card inside, she told me to use it for gas. I told her I couldn't accept it but she wouldn't listen. She told me in the future when I was able to help somebody else, to help spread joy in the world.  She gave me one last hug and then turn around and left. She didn't tell me how much was on the card so I went up to the cashier and asked them to check the balance. What they told me made me cry instantly. She had handed me $50. That meant I could not only fill my tank completely but I now had the money for the candy bar for my son.  The weight that came off my shoulders was instant.

While I don't know who the lady was that gave me the purple gift card sleeve but the sleeve she gave me allowed me the opportunity to find Gift of Joy to say thank you in this way.”

~Blessed Momma ~

We wanted to impact someone that impacts our kids.

This older couple serves at our church. The wife serves in kids ministry and the husband serves on the security/ safety team.  
After Covid, being retired on a fixed income, a car accident caused them financial trouble. They wouldn't say a thing to anyone about, as not to burden anyone with their issues, but they would ask for prayers in small groups.
 She had sent desert dishes home with us for our kids.  

After forgetting to return the dish a few times, We refilled the dish with Christmas cookies made by the kids. At church, my wife returned the dish to them, and while they were watching her, I slipped cash in his coat pocket.
We didn't want them to know the blessing was from us.
The impact was amazing, the cash I slipped him covered two unexpected bills.


After a long week, I was traveling with my job.
As I wrapped on Friday paperwork at the end of my day. My boss came up to me asked that I join her to see a movie in the theatre. She had picked out the go-to Christopher Robin.

As Dad that spends a lot of time away from home. I cried. The emotional release was needed, that know I needed.

I now make sure to plan vacations with my kids every year.
This little kindness from my boss change continues to create joy in my life.


the stories of JOy provided by those given Joy

We are truly blessed by the stories of joy that the blessed are sharing with us.
It makes people feel hope, restores faith and drives home that there are really amazing people out there that are willing to show love to someone that they don't know.
It is a beautiful testimony of the health of humanity that is in our world right now.    
Visit the Give the Gift page to find out how you can Gift a gift too.